Hello guys I  am here with you again with  an fantastic topic that you may like. I am sure that you will like it and read it carefully and I definitely you will learn something new that you should know. SO, have use hered about micro USB ever ? Do you know what it is ? So if you don't know about it , lets know about it . This post is specially for the people who don't know about micro USB ????


SO first off we will know that what is micro USB that we use it in our day to day life . Micro Usb is a miniaturized version of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface developed for connecting compact and smartphones , MP3 players ,GPS devices,  photos , printers and digitals cameras etc.

Micro USB connectors exist or have existed in three forms: micro A, micro B and micro USB 3. USB 3 micro is much like micro B, but with an additional pin group on the side for twice the wires, enabling USB 3's greater speed. Like standard USB, the micro versions are plug-and-play and hot-swappable.

The USB peripheral bus standard was developed jointly by Compaq, IBM, DEC, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, and Northern Telecom. The technology is available without charge for all computer and device vendors.

See, below, illustrations of mini and micro USB versions:                   

Figure 1: USB 3 micro

Figure 2: USB mini and micro A and B

Mini versions of the USB specification that preceded the micro versions have since been phased out. The micro A connector was also phased out in favor of the thinner, sturdier B connector. Micro USB 3 ports can also accept standard B cables. To help with compatibility, some devices include an A/B dual port.